Businesses all over the world rely on industrial cartoners to package, protect, and market their products. These dedicated machines are built to function at high speeds in large, complex factories. This makes the typical solutions difficult and costly to integrate with limited floor space and output. They aren't viable for many small businesses who need a compact and affordable product. When we learned about the nationwide hiring struggles as well as a difficulty in acquiring cartoners, we decided to create a solution for small businesses. Sparky is here to help! We can provide what you need to fulfill your goals within budget.
At its core, Sparky is based on a SCARA, a 4-axis robot designed for high lateral versatility. We use FANUC robots for their reliability and ease of use. Thanks to the SCARA platform, the footprint and cost per unit is reduced as compared to standard cartoners. It can be mounted on a mobile cabinet, which allows simple relocation with only electrical and pressurized air connections. The single cell is not much larger than a home refrigerator, and two units can even be stacked for greater compactness.
Sparky focuses on cartons up to 4"x4"x4", and we will customize it for whatever your exact carton looks like. For our standard 1.86”X1.86”X4.5” carton, we have been able to reduce the time of picking up the flat carton, expanding the carton, folding one end of the carton completely and dropping it into the receptacle to as little as 2.6 seconds per unit. That means as many as 11,000 cartons can be folded per 8-hour shift!
Your needs are important to us and the platform allows for great customizability. Sparky can reposition the box to be loaded with your product, and then fold the other end up for a completely finished package! We are also experimenting with solutions to problems such as printing on the cartons, using quick-change tooling for multiple sizes, and even erecting small cardboard boxes. If you think we could add something useful to your robot, let us know!
We want to provide you with the tools you need to succeed now and as your business grows. Sparky's versatile platform is meant to give an edge to anyone ready for automation. The capability means that it can meet your production goals and scale up as your portfolio expands. Available customization helps sparky to maximize productivity, increasing value and reducing the need for more complication. Sparky the carton-folding robot is here to help you save the day!